Source code for

from collections import Mapping, Iterable

from ..core import Element
from ..html import html
from ..tags import h
from ..tags import ul, ol, li, dl, dd, dt, table, thead, tbody, tr, td, th

[docs]@html.register(Iterable) def html_list(data, role=None, ordered=False, **kwargs): """ Convert a Python iterable into an HTML list element. Args: data: Sequence data. ordered: If True, returns an ordered list (<ol>) element. role: Role passed to render each item in the sequence. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the root element. Examples: >>> doc = html_list([1, 2, 3]) >>> print(doc.pretty()) <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul>' """ tag = ol if ordered else ul body = [li(html(x, role=role)) for x in data] return tag(body, **kwargs)
[docs]@html.register(Mapping) def html_map(data, role=None, key_role=None, **kwargs): """ Renders mapping as a description list using dt as keys and dt as values. Args: data: Sequence data. role: Role passed to the dd (values) elements of the description list. key_role: Role passed to the dt (keys) elements of the description list. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the root element. Examples: >>> doc = html_map({'answer': 42, 'universe': True}) >>> print(doc.pretty()) <dl> <dt>answer</dt> <dd>42</dd> <dt>universe</dt> <dd>True</dd> </dl> """ body = [] items = getattr(data, 'items', lambda: data) for k, v in items(): body.append(dt(html(k, role=key_role))) body.append(dd(html(v, role=role))) return dl(body, **kwargs)
[docs]def html_table(data, role=None, columns=None, **kwargs): """ Convert 2D matrix-like data to an HTML table. Args: data: Sequence data. columns: A list of column names to be added as <thead>. role: Role used to render elements of the table. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the root element. Examples: >>> doc = html_table([[1, 2], [3, 4]], columns=['a', 'b']) >>> print(doc.pretty()) <table> <thead> <tr><th>a</th><th>b</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td>4</td></tr> </tbody> </table> """ options = {'role': role} body = [ tr([td(html(obj, **options)) for obj in row]) for row in data ] if columns is not None: head = tr([to_header_row(col, **options) for col in columns]) return table([thead(head), tbody(body)], **kwargs) else: return table(body, **kwargs)
def to_header_row(obj, **options): data = html(obj, **options) if data.tag in ('td', 'th'): return data else: return th(data) def wrap(obj, tag='div'): """ Wraps object in a div (or any other specified tag) if it is not an element. """ if isinstance(obj, Element): return obj else: return h(tag, {}, obj)