API Reference

API documentation for the Hyperpython module.

Basic types

class hyperpython.Element(tag: str, attrs: dict, children: list, is_void=False, requires=())[source]

Represents an HTML element.


Add child element to data structure.

Caveat: Hyperpython do not enforce immutability, but it is a good practice to keep HTML data structures immutable.

add_class(cls, first=False)[source]

Add class or group of classes to the class list.


Return a copy of object.


Dumps HTML data into file.


JSON-compatible representation of object.


Render a pretty printed HTML.

This method is less efficient than .render(), but is useful for debugging


Renders object as string.


Replace all current classes by the new ones.


Walk over all elements in the object tree, including Elements and Text fragments.


Walk over all elements in the object tree, excluding Text fragments.

class hyperpython.Text(data, escape=None)[source]

It extends the Markup object with a Element-compatible API.


Dump contents of element in the given file.


Renders object as string.


Convert all named and numeric character references (e.g. >, >, &x3e;) in the string s to the corresponding unicode characters. This function uses the rules defined by the HTML 5 standard for both valid and invalid character references, and the list of HTML 5 named character references defined in html.entities.html5.

class hyperpython.Block(children, requires=())[source]

Represents a list of elements not wrapped in a tag.


Dump contents of element in the given file.


The generic entry point is the h() function. It also has functions with same names of all HTML tags.

hyperpython.h(tag, *args, children=None, **attrs)[source]

Creates a tag.

It has many different signatures:

h(‘h1’, ‘content’)
Content can be a string, a child node or a list of children.
h(‘h1’, {‘class’: ‘title’}, ‘content’)
If the second argument is a dictionary, it is interpreted as tag attributes.
h(‘h1’, ‘title’, class_=’title’)
Keyword arguments are also interpreted a attributes. The h function makes a few changes: underscores are converted to dashes and trailing underscores after Python keywords such as class_, for_, etc are ignored.
h(‘h1’, class_=’title’)[‘content’]
Children can also be specified using squared brackets. It understands strings, other tags, and lists of tags.
h(‘h1’, class_=’title’, children=[‘content’])
Optionally, the list of children nodes can be specified as a keyword argument.

Creation of HTML elements for Python objects

hyperpython.html(obj, role=None, **kwargs)[source]

Convert object into a hyperpython structure.

  • obj – Input object.
  • role – Optional description
  • context variables for the rendering process can be passed as (Additional) –
  • arguments. (keyword) –

A hyperpython object.

hyperpython.render(obj, role=None, **kwargs)[source]

Like render(), but return a string of HTML code instead of a Hyperpython object.

hyperpython.fragment(path, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the Hyperpython element for the given fragment path.

Parameters:path (str) – Argument path.


>>> fragment('page.header', user='me!')                  
h('header', ['Hello me!'])

Hyperpython components

All functions bellow belongs to the hyperpython.components module.

HTML data structures

Those functions convert Python data structures to their natural HTML representations.

hyperpython.components.html_list(data, role=None, ordered=False, **kwargs)[source]

Convert a Python iterable into an HTML list element.

  • data – Sequence data.
  • ordered – If True, returns an ordered list (<ol>) element.
  • role – Role passed to render each item in the sequence.
  • keyword arguments are passed to the root element. (Additional) –


>>> doc = html_list([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(doc.pretty())
hyperpython.components.html_map(data, role=None, key_role=None, **kwargs)[source]

Renders mapping as a description list using dt as keys and dt as values.

  • data – Sequence data.
  • role – Role passed to the dd (values) elements of the description list.
  • key_role – Role passed to the dt (keys) elements of the description list.
  • keyword arguments are passed to the root element. (Additional) –


>>> doc = html_map({'answer': 42, 'universe': True})
>>> print(doc.pretty())
hyperpython.components.html_table(data, role=None, columns=None, **kwargs)[source]

Convert 2D matrix-like data to an HTML table.

  • data – Sequence data.
  • columns – A list of column names to be added as <thead>.
  • role – Role used to render elements of the table.
  • keyword arguments are passed to the root element. (Additional) –


>>> doc = html_table([[1, 2], [3, 4]], columns=['a', 'b'])
>>> print(doc.pretty())


Generic icon support using the <i> tag and helper functions for Font Awesome icons.

hyperpython.components.icon(name, href=None, icon_class=<function <lambda>>, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a icon tag.

  • name (str) – Name of the icon.
  • href (str) – If given, it wraps the results into a anchor link.
  • icon_class (callable) – A function that maps an icon name into the corresponding class or list of classes that should be added to the icon.
hyperpython.components.fa_icon(name, href=None, collection=None, **kwargs)[source]

Font awesome icon.

  • name (str) – Name of the icon.
  • href (str) – If given, it wraps the results into a anchor link.
  • collection ('fa', 'fab', 'far', 'fal', 'fas') –
    The font-awesome collection:
    • fa/far/regular: regular icons
    • fab/brand: brand icons
    • fal/light: light icons
    • fas/solid: solid icons


>>> fa_icon('face')
<i class="fa fa-face"></i>


hyperpython.components.markdown(text, *, output_format='html5', **kwargs)[source]

Renders Markdown content as HTML and return as a safe string.