Source code for hyperpython.components.icons

from .fa_icons import COLLECTIONS as FA_COLLECTIONS
from ..tags import i, a

[docs]def icon(name, href=None, icon_class=lambda x: x, **kwargs): """ Returns a icon tag. Args: name (str): Name of the icon. href (str): If given, it wraps the results into a anchor link. icon_class (callable): A function that maps an icon name into the corresponding class or list of classes that should be added to the icon. """ if href: return a(icon(name, **kwargs), href=href) return i(**kwargs).add_class(icon_class(name))
[docs]def fa_icon(name, href=None, collection=None, **kwargs): """ Font awesome icon. Args: name (str): Name of the icon. href (str): If given, it wraps the results into a anchor link. collection ('fa', 'fab', 'far', 'fal', 'fas'): The font-awesome collection: * fa/far/regular: regular icons * fab/brand: brand icons * fal/light: light icons * fas/solid: solid icons Examples: >>> fa_icon('face') <i class="fa fa-face"></i> """ if collection is None: collection = FA_COLLECTIONS.get(name, 'fa') if href: return a(fa_icon(name, collection=collection, **kwargs), href=href) return icon(name, href, lambda x: [collection, f'fa-{name}'], **kwargs)